Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pengawal Penjara Robotik

Dipetik dari Wired.Co.UK:

South Korea to trial robotic prison guards

A jail in the city of Pohang, on the east coast of South Korea, is about to run a trial of replacing its human prison guards with robots.
The project, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Justice, will run for a month and cost 1 billion won (about £560,000). The bots will patrol the corridors of the prison at night, monitoring for sudden or unusual activity and acting as a communication channel for when inmates need to contact guards.
Unlike CCTV, though, the robots will not only observe and record the prisoners' behaviour, but also analyse it for behaviour out of the ordinary, which it can then collect extra data on by moving its position. If anything odd is detected, human guards will be alerted who can then investigate further.
Lee Baik-chul of Kyonggi University, who is leading the project, told the Wall St Journal: "The robots are not terminators. Their job is not cracking down on violent prisoners. They are helpers. When an inmate is in a life-threatening situation or seriously ill, he or she can reach out for help quickly."
The bots, which have been designed to look "humane and friendly" will roll onto cell blocks from March 2012.
Tu dia... Inovasi dari Korea Selatan. Mengurangkan kes rasuah ni... Aku tak taulah apa yang pro dan cons pasal penggunaan robot pengawal penjara. Cuma, kalau banduan dalam penjara tu jenis gadget freak, abislah robot-robot ni. Abis kena hack kan.... Apa-apapun, sudah semestinya pihak berkenaan sudah menimbang tara penggunaan robot dalam penjara.
Tapi apa kata anda mengenai inovasi Korea ini?

Dari aku gaduh pasal K-POP ni, baik aku tengok Korea punya teknologi.... At least, kita boleh tau perkembangan, mana tau suatu hari nanti ada point nak jawab soalan exam nak keja. Dari K-POP, apa barang. Macamlah artis K-POP ni bagi kesenangan kat korang... Kang KEPAP padan muka... 

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