Friday, July 17, 2020


Kita biasa dengar garam halus dan garam kasar sahaja kan? 
Sebenarnya ada beberapa jenis garam lain yang turut digunakan dalam penyediaan makanan. Dan kalau anda perlu tahu, semua jenis garam mempunyai kandungan sodium yang hampir sama. Tak kisahlah garam apa yang digunakan dalam masakan, yang penting adalah kuantiti yang digunakan. 
Kandungan garam yang tinggi boleh menyebabkan pelbagai komplikasi kesihatan kepada diri anda.

Sumber dari Laman Rasmi FB Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia

Thursday, November 16, 2017

How to Kill Your Sugar Addiction Before It Kills You

While excusing yourself from sugary celebrations is no fun, neither is dealing with a post-sugar-binge hangover. And on top of it, the more sugar you eat, the more you crave - it can take a few days to weeks to get over an addiction to refined sugar once you start. Not only that, but studies have shown that eating too much refined sugar can speed up your body's aging process. If you know you can't resist sweet temptations, read on to learn nutritionist-approved strategies that will keep you on the right track.
  1. Choose wisely: If you're going to indulge, go for seasonal sweets that you know you can't get when it's not the holidays. "You can have chocolate any time of the year," says registered dietitian, nutritionist, and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson Tamara Melton. Go for a seasonal dessert you crave all year, like a treat from an ice cream truck in the Summer or pumpkin pie in the Fall. Just remember that just because these treats are only available for a limited time doesn't mean you should go overboard. Practice portion control by having a plan, Tamara advises.
  2. Think positive: Set yourself up for success by telling yourself that you got this. "Words are powerful," says Kathie Dolgin, author of Sugar Savvy Solution: Kick Your Sugar Addiction for Life and Get Healthy. "If you think resisting sugar is going to be hard, it will be hard. Change that negative self-talk if you are going to take control of your diet and your health. Believe you can do this!"
  3. Not being hungry is key: Don't want to chow down on the entire candy bowl? Set yourself up for success by eating a balanced meal or snack every three to four hours, Tamara says. Simone Gloger, a registered nutritionist and Dukan Diet nutritionist, recommends three protein-rich meals and two protein-rich snacks every day to help you resist cravings. "I usually pack my lunch and snacks each day so I don't give into the temptation that is all around me," Simone says.
  4. Know that cravings might be something else: Before you reach for that peanut butter cup, think about what you really need. "People mistake thirst for hunger or cravings," Kathie says. "That dip in energy that sends you hunting for a snack is often just a sign of dehydration. So hydrate and hydrate and drink water, not juice or soda." Kathie recommends spa water - water infused with your favorite fruits - to hit sugar cravings the natural way. If you are craving a treat, opt for a small piece of dark chocolate or a single-serving yogurt that comes with sweet mix-ins like chocolate or granola, Tamara advises.
  5. Don't dwell: Tried your best, but couldn't resist the siren song of holiday treats? Don't beat yourself up about it. "Forgive yourself and get back on track," Kathie says. "Forgiving and being kind to others (as well as yourself!) boosts self-esteem and gratitude for what you have (thus combating the negative self-talk that can send you running for the cookie jar) and gives you the same endorphin rush as sugar." Afterward, make sure your next meal is only when you are hungry, Tamara says. "Resolve to eat healthier at your next meal, then load up on plenty of fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains. Be sure to also include lean sources of protein, which help to keep you satisfied."
This article author by Leta Shy from Popsugar.

Copy&paste from MSN

This article for my own reference information and I like to share to others for our  good healthy together.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017



Lama dah tak mencoret dari hati ke hati. Ni asyik 'copy&paste' je dari artikel lain. Dengan kredit sekali ya...

Dalam lama-lama mendiamkan diri, saya tengah mempersiapkan diri dengan ilmu seni.. Iaitu seni mengait krusye a.k.a crochet. Krusye ni bukanlah benda baru bagi saya. Arwah mak saya merupakan seorang yang ahli dalam seni krusye. Sayangnya, saya tidak berkesempatan untuk mempelajari seni krusye dari arwah mak. Melihat beliau mengait begitu mempesonakan... Cia cia cia... Tapi sayangnya arwah mak semacam tidak menggalakkan kami, anak-anaknya untuk mengikut jejak seni ini. Bahkan pantang kami mengusik sedikit mesin jahit beliau(yalah kekadang saya terpaksa menjahit sendiri kain tetas)..

Jadi, untuk meneruskan legasi seni krusye ini, saya dengan semangatnya belajar sendiri. Namun pada permulaannya, bukan suatu yang mudah kalau cakap saja tapi pelaksanaannya tak sungguh-sungguh. Mula-mula beli buku seni mengait, terbitan Karangkraf.
Namun, kalau baca saja, tak gunalah kan. Siap beli 1 hook dengan benangnya. Tapi faham buat 1 benda je dari buku ni, buat tali air (chain)... Dah tu, nak sambung lain, tak faham dan tutup buku.. Dan buku ni kemudiannya diperap sahaja. Masa tu dalam tahun 2008.

Minat ni makin membara sejak dari tahun lepas. Oklah kalau buku tak jalan, kita cuba cara lain. Belajar dari orang. Namun, orang yang pro dulu-dulu dah tak reti mengait lagi, mata tak terang dah nak mengait. Last option, Youtube. Kalau dulu anak bos saya kalau nak buat sesuatu, dia akan tengok Youtube dulu dan kemudian cuba. So, krusye pun sama. Sekali search video tutorial asas krusye, masha Allah, punyalah banyak. Kebanyakannya matsaleh punya tutorial, sungguh details dan senang.
Banyak-banyak video tutorial ni, saya 'berguru' asas krusye dari satu channel ni.; Youtube Crochet Guru

So, dari sini mempembelajaran bermula dari asas, tali air(chain), single crochet (sc), double crochet (dc), half-double crochet (hdc) dan treble crochet (tr). Kemudian berkembang ngan kaedah-kaedah lain.
Alhamdulillah, ada ilmu asas, maka  mulalah ngan projek-projek seni krusye... Dari senang dan sederhana..
Insha Allah ada masa, di hari lain saya akan tunjukkan hasil latih tangan saya sebelum ini...


It's high nitrate content can become toxic if you heat it the second time.
With its high protein content, chicken can cause several digestive problems if you reheat it after a day or two. The best way to consume stored chicken is to put it in a cold salad or a sandwich.

3. Spinach
Spinach, like a number of leafy greens, is rich in iron and full of nitrates. If reheated, these nitrates can convert into nitrites and other carcinogens.

4. Eggs
This protein rich morning staple should not be exposed to heat over and over again. Reheating eggs at high temperatures can cause them to become toxic and wreak havoc in your digestive system.

5. Mushrooms
This food should be ideally consumed the same day due to their complex protein composition. Before you cook mushrooms, take the exact amount you think you can finish the same day.

6. Rice
According to the Food Standards Agency, eating rice stored at room temperature can give you food poisoning because of the spores of bacteria present in rice which are still present even after reheating.

7. Turnips
Turnips are a common ingredient in soups and stews. Due to their high amount of nitrates, reheating the vegetable is not advisable, as it can become toxic.

8. Oils
Oils such as grape seed, walnut, avocado, hazelnut and flaxseed have very low smoke points. So, when you reheat them, they become rancid. Avoid using them as your cooking oil and sprinkle them onto your dish at the end to enhance taste.

9. Beets
Beets are rich in nitrates, just like spinach. Reheating beets can cause a lot of trouble, so it's best to eat them cold if there are any leftovers.

10. Butter Lettuce
 This green leafy vegetable is best when eaten raw. Cook it if you must, but never reheat butter lettuce, as the high amount of nitrates can cause food poisoning. 

11. Potatoes
Potatoes are nutritious, but they lose their nutritional value if you let them stand at room temperature for long. They can actually become toxic and cause illnesses, such as food poisoning.

 Source: MSN Lifestyle